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What is Neurogenesis?

Jaipaul Dhaliwal

Neurogenesis is the process by which nervous system cells, known as neurons, are produced by neural stem cells.

What is Neurogenesis?

Neurogenesis is the process by which nervous system cells, known as neurons, are produced by neural stem cells. Until recently, many scientists believed that the central nervous system, including the brain, was incapable of regenerating. However, in the 1990s, stem cells were discovered in parts of the adult brain and adult neurogenesis is now accepted to be a normal process that occurs in the healthy brain. 

Cryotherapy and Neurogenesis

When you partake in regular Cryotherapy sessions, you brain begins to release hormones which help stimulate the neurogenesis process. Due to the high amounts of anti-inflammatory hormones released during a Cryo session one will have increased the production of new neurons in the brain. Cryotherapy also helps increase energy levels, as well as improve focus, mood, and sleep.

Cryotherapy sessions also release cold shock proteins known as RNA binding motif 3 (RBM3) which are directly linked to regeneration of synapses in the human brain.

Final Thoughts...

Cryotherapy can work wonders on your mind and body. There are a countless list of benefits associated with regular Cryo sessions. Gain relief from neurodegenerative diseases and prevent them in the first place! Disorders such as anxiety, headaches, amnesia, Alzheimer's and many more can be prevented with just a little bit of maintenance on your part. Do yourself a favour, and come in for a Cryo session today!

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